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Apple Pie

A  -  Apple pie,
B - bit it,
C - cut it,
D - dealt it,
E - ate it,
F - fought for it,
G - got it,
H - had it,
I - iced it,
J - joked about it,
K - kept it,
L - longed for it,
M - mourned for it,
N - nodded at it,
O - opened it,
P - peeped in it,
Q - quartered it,
R - ran for it,
S - stole it,
T - took it,
U - upset it,
V - viewed it,
W - wanted it,
X - expected it,
Y - yearned for it,
Z - had a zest for it;

And when they came to ampersand
They all desired a piece in hand.



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